Marketplace Responsibility Principles

The Marketplace Responsibility Principles are a guide for implementing responsible business in medium-sized to large companies, and have been developed by the Marketplace Taskforce, a group of 10 global and UK companies chaired by Mike Clasper, former CEO of BAA plc.

The Principles, which provide a proactive framework for managing a range of marketplace issues, comprise guidance on key marketplace relationships, and behaviours that help companies to manage these relationships.

The Marketplace Responsibility Principles:

* Respect your customers
* Support vulnerable customers
* Seek potential customers within excluded groups
* Manage the impact of product or service
* Actively discourage product misuse
* Actively manage responsibility in your supply chain
* Treat suppliers as partners
* Work with the rule makers
* Have consistent standards

Best practice for responsible behaviour in the marketplace:

* Be consistent
* Anticipate trends
* Aim to deliver quality results
* Put at the heart of business strategy
* Part of the culture
* Encourage and motivate responsible behaviour
* Mainstream not niche
* Share best practice within the business

The Principles have undergone a rigorous period of consultation with CEOs, marketing directors, CR practitioners, and the SRI and NGO community, and will be officially launched at Business in the Community’s AGM in December 2006.

Business in the Community is asking companies to sign up to the Principles and commit to reflect the marketplace issues within their CR reporting. A series of in-depth case studies have also been produced to show how companies are beginning to tackle some of their marketplace issues.




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